Accepted Sheridan Illustration Portfolio 2017

Hey there!
This was my first year applying to Sheridan illustration and I wanted to wait until I received a response before I posted anything. Portfolio score and personal critique and advice at the bottom. Thanks for looking! c:

Drawing Test (40% of score)

Part 1a: Figure sitting
1 hr
All Part 1,3 and 4 Completed with Pencil

Part 1b: Figure standing
1 hr (2 sessions)

Part 1c: Figure involved in activity
1.5 hrs

Part 2: Figure with tone
2 hr
Completed with Crayola black marker, Brush pen, pilot pen, watercolours

Part 3: View out a window
3 hr (2 session)
Part 4a: Still life

Part 4b: Still life with change

Portfolio (60% of Score)

Included Originals (Only the illustration)
Two pages: viewed as one personal piece

Included Originals

Two pages: viewed as one personal piece

Included Originals

Included Originals
Two pages: viewed as one personal piece

Included Originals

Included Originals

Two pages: viewed as one personal piece

Included Originals (Page presented in another envelope)

Included Originals
Two pages: viewed as one personal piece

Included Originals (Small postcard print)

Included Originals

Included Originals.
Two pages: viewed as one personal piece

Sorry about the poor camera quality! Included Originals

Included Originals

Included Originals

Final Score

Personal Critique

This year's cut off was 58/100. I wish I could have gotten a better mark but I know I have areas to improve on.Part 4 isn't my proudest section and still life with objects is an area, I admit, needs more time on. I spent most of my energy on Part 1, 3 & 4 which came out well but I should remember to evenly distribute my efforts through the drawing test. 22/25 personal pieces. I should have included more variety in art subjects (drawings, painting, stories: all about people, not much still life objects, landscapes, anthropomorphism or etc...) and experiment with other styles.

Info about portfolio and advice
For the layout of my portfolio:
The drawing test is, of course, delivered to them by a large envelope. 
(Please remember to read the requirements since I saw a lot of people fumbling and panicking about items they might have missed. There will be large envelopes and extra portfolio application sheets when you get there but to reduced the stress on the drop-off day, please re-read requirements and make a checklist for yourself. I guarantee it'll make you a bit better when you know you have everything.) 
I formatted my personal portfolio section into 11 x 17" sized pages. Since I was applying to sheridan's animation program as well, I had to make use of a efficient way to switch my portfolios with one portfolio book. Additionally, I like the way a digitally designed layout looks and didn't have to panic about wrongly placed credit notes. I would suggest this method if you have the option to print your portfolio book's size and anxious about layout and presentation.

If you have any further questions about my portfolio and my process, feel free to contact me at Thank you for reading and good luck to future applicants!


  1. Hey! I'm applying for the illustration program next year, and was wondering if the portfolio must be a required size or if it just need to big enough to fit all your work. I do remember my high school art teacher saying that some schools wont asses portfolios that aren't a required size, but Sheridan doesn't include any info about a required size for illustration portfolios like the animation program does.

    1. I do believe that there is a limit and even thought I dont have an official answer to your question, I'd suggest to keep the same dimension limit as the animation's. When I applied, I kept both portfolios under 18 x 24"


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